----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions for installing SciDAC QDP/C and related packages. James C. Osborn June 27, 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Get files All packages can be found from links here: http://usqcd.jlab.org/usqcd-software download the files: http://usqcd.jlab.org/usqcd-software/qmp/qmp-2.1.7.tar.gz http://usqcd.jlab.org/usqcd-software/qio/qio-2.1.8.tar.gz http://usqcd.jlab.org/usqcd-software/qla/qla-1.6.2.tar.gz http://usqcd.jlab.org/usqcd-software/qdp/qdp-1.6.0.tar.gz http://usqcd.jlab.org/usqcd-software/qopqdp/qopqdp-0.8.1.tar.gz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Install QMP a) untar the QMP source package somewhere b) make a build dir somewhere (can be the same as the source dir, but it is usually better to make a separate one) c) in the build dir do: $QMPSRC/configure --prefix=$QMPDIR \ --with-qmp-comms-type=SINGLE \ CC= \ CFLAGS= where $QMPSRC is where the source is and $QMPDIR is where you want the final library to be installed replace SINGLE with MPI and use CC=mpicc for MPI version instead of single node version. other configure options are: --enable-bgl (uses BG/L personality hints) --host=blrts --build=none (needed for cross compiling, i.e. BG/L) d) do "make" e) do "make install" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Install QIO a) untar the QIO source package somewhere b) make a build dir somewhere (can be the same as the source dir, but it is usually better to make a separate one) c) in the build dir do: $QIOSRC/configure --prefix=$QIODIR \ --with-qmp=$QMPDIR where $QIOSRC is where the source is and $QIODIR is where you want the final library to be installed other configure options are: --host=blrts --build=none (needed for cross compiling, i.e. BG/L) d) do "make" e) do "make install" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Install QLA a) untar the QLA source package somewhere b) make a build dir somewhere (can be the same as the source dir, but it is usually better to make a separate one) c) in the build dir do: $QLASRC/configure --prefix=$QLADIR \ --enable-nc=3 \ CC= \ CFLAGS= \ TEST_CFLAGS="" where $QLASRC is where the source is and $QLADIR is where you want the final library to be installed other configure options are: --enable-nc=<2,3,N> (compile only the Nc=2,3 or N (variable) libraries. leave off for all libs.) --enable-sse (use some SSE codes) --enable-sse2 (use some SSE & SSE2 codes) --enable-sse3 (use some SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 codes) --enable-440 (use some 440 asm codes) --enable-440d (use some 440d asm codes) --host=blrts --build=none (needed for cross compiling, i.e. BG/L) d) do "make" (may take anywhere from 15 mins to a few hours) e) do "make install" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Install QDP a) untar the QDP source package somewhere b) make a build dir somewhere (can be the same as the source dir, but it is usually better to make a separate one) c) in the build dir do: $QDPSRC/configure --prefix=$QDPDIR \ --with-qmp=$QMPDIR \ --with-qio=$QIODIR \ --with-qla=$QLADIR \ --enable-nc=3 where $QDPSRC is where the source is and $QDPDIR is where you want the final library to be installed other configure options are: --enable-nc=<2,3,N> (compile only the Nc=2,3 or N (variable) libraries. leave off for all libs.) --host=blrts --build=none (needed for cross compiling, i.e. BG/L) d) do "make" (may take anywhere from 15 mins to a few hours) e) do "make install" f) do "make check" to build some test programs in the examples dir ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Install QOPQDP a) untar the QOPQDP source package somewhere b) make a build dir somewhere (can be the same as the source dir, but it is usually better to make a separate one) c) in the build dir do: $QOPSRC/configure --prefix=$QOPDIR \ --with-qmp=$QMPDIR \ --with-qio=$QIODIR \ --with-qla=$QLADIR \ --with-qdp=$QDPDIR where $QOPSRC is where the source is and $QOPDIR is where you want the final library to be installed other configure options are: --host=blrts --build=none (needed for cross compiling, i.e. BG/L) d) do "make" e) do "make install" f) do "make check" to build some test programs in the examples dir -----------------------------------------------------------------------------