Convert float to double
Function Details
Local squared norm: uniform
Type conversion and component extraction and insertion
Convert float to double
Convert double to float
Convert long double to double
Convert real to complex (zero imaginary part)
Convert real and imaginary to complex
Real part of complex
Imaginary part of complex
Integer to real
Real to integer (truncate)
Real to integer (round)
Accessing a color matrix element
Inserting a color matrix element
Accessing a half fermion or Dirac fermion spinor element
Inserting a half fermion or Dirac fermion spinor element
Accessing a staggered fermion spinor element
Inserting a staggered fermion spinor element
Accessing a Dirac propagator matrix element
Inserting a Dirac propagator matrix element
Extracting a color column vector from a color matrix
Inserting a color vector into a color matrix
Extracting a color column vector from a half fermion or Dirac fermion spinor
Inserting a color column vector into a half fermion or Dirac fermion spinor
Extracting a Dirac column vector from a Dirac propagator matrix
Inserting a Dirac column vector into a Dirac propagator matrix
Trace of color matrix
Real trace of color matrix
Imaginary trace of color matrix
Traceless antihermitian part of color matrix
Spin trace of Dirac propagator
Dirac spin projection
Dirac spin reconstruction
James Osborn 2006-06-25