Indirect Addressing for Unary Operations

For unary operations the list is also shorter. For example, for copying an SU(N) staggered fermion vector the variants are as follows.

  function name meaning
1 QLA_V_eq_V(c,b) c = b
2 QLA_V_veq_V(c,b,n) c[i] = b[i]
3 QLA_V_xeq_V(c,b,j,n) c[j[i]] = b[j[i]]
5 QLA_V_eq_xV(c,b,jb,n) c[i] = b[jb[i]]
6 QLA_xV_eq_V(c,jc,b,n) c[jc[i]] = b[i]
8 QLA_xV_eq_xV(c,jc,b,jb,n) c[jc[i]] = b[jb[i]]
12 QLA_V_veq_pV(c,b,n) c[i] = (*b[i])
15 QLA_V_xeq_pV(c,b,j,n) c[j[i]] = (*b[j[i]])

James Osborn 2006-06-25