Algorithmic and Software References
- Incomplete listing! Please add your own contributions.
So far I ordered by inspirehep's record ID. Will that be chronological? - A Framework for Lattice QCD Calculations on GPUs
F.T. Winter, M.A. Clark, R.G. Edwards, B. Joó - Progress on the QUDA code suite
Ron Babich, Richard Brower, Mike Clark, Steven Gottlieb, Balint Joó, Guochun Shi - The Möbius Domain Wall Fermion Algorithm
Richard C. Brower, Harmut Neff, Kostas Orginos - Multigrid Algorithms for Domain-Wall Fermions
Saul D. Cohen, R.C. Brower, M.A. Clark, J.C. Osborn - Multigrid solver for clover fermions
J.C. Osborn, R. Babich, J. Brannick, R.C. Brower, M.A. Clark, S.D. Cohen, C. Rebbi - Adaptive multigrid algorithm for the lattice Wilson-Dirac operator
R. Babich, J. Brannick, R.C. Brower, M.A. Clark, T.A. Manteuffel, S.F. McCormick, J.C. Osborn, C. Rebbi - The Role of multigrid algorithms for LQCD
Ronald Babich, James Brannick, Richard C. Brower, Michael A. Clark, Saul D. Cohen, James C. Osborn, Claudio Rebbi - Solving Lattice QCD systems of equations using mixed precision solvers on GPUs
M.A. Clark, R. Babich, K. Barros, R.C. Brower, C. Rebbi